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    Are you months behind on submitting claims?

    I am sure like many mental health practitioners you were excited with the thought of being paneled because this meant you were now able to keep your schedule full by offering a new funding option.  However, with the new influx of clients, are you finding it harder and harder to keep up with submitting claims on time or if a claim is denied finding time to investigate and re-submit.   I HAVE BEEN HERE!

    When I first started my practice in 2013, I was stretched too thin and overwhelmed. My schedule was booked, which was a good thing, but I was not getting paid for clients I had seen as I was months behind on submitting claims.  I finally had to make some changes. I had to create a system in my business in which I made I created a process for billing.  Here is what I did to get back on track and I think it may help you as well.

    Billing Tips

    • During your prescreening and referral process, complete benefit, and eligibility verification online, while client is on the phone with you. Ensure the client is in network and communicate their co-payment, coinsurance, and deductible to them via phone and follow up with an email.
    • If using an Electronic Medical Record note all co-payment on the chart. If using paper charts, print a copy of mental health benefits.
    • As part of your intake process obtain Signed ROI’s, Copy of Driver’s License, and Health Insurance Card, Treatment plan and Diagnosis.
    • Submit Claims immediately after seeing a client. If using paper Process Manual
    • Have 1 day a week that you focus on administrative duties, such as following up on claims already submitted and not paid.

    If you want to learn more about billing, check out my new billing online course. This course is designed to give you’re a foundational knowledge about insurance billing. Here is the link https://pages.privatepractease.com/billing101

    Your Partner in Success,

    Prunella Harris, LCSW

    Private Practice Coach